I needed to take a commercial break between scheduled appointments for work to support a very special individual. His name is Bob the Dog. Bob is a boy dog. Although, it might be a female. We don't know yet.
"Why do you not know if the dog is male or female? It's named Bob."
Great question, whoever you are! The reason we don't know if it is male or female is because we don't actually own him/her yet.
Bob the Dog is the desire of our four-year-old Ruth.
She is trying to save/make enough money to buy and maintain Bob the Dog. She has been trying for about two years.
Between Christmas and grandparents, and a couple stickerbook expenses, she has been able to save about $27. Our goal is at least $75 (minimum price at the Nebraska Humane Society.)
This is where you come in. I want you, in February - between fly-tying sessions and/or other fun and engaging activities - to eat tasty Valentine's treats. But not just any treat. Ruth's treats.
Please help support Ruth in her efforts to buy a dog by filling out this order form and getting it back to us by the deadline indicated. We'll ship these goodies like they are nobody's business. Except for my daughter's. We'll ship them like they are hers. Because they are.
But hurry, there's only so much she can bake!
By the way, watch this video. Wouldn't a little dog just love our baby girl? Plus, it would clean up after our cat.